00_juice_00's Holy Quest!

As some of you may already know, 00_juice_00 (Juice) has taken it upon himself to spend 24 hours straight on Kongregate, participating in every chat room convo, saying hello to everyone that enters, saying goodbye to everyone that leaves. He will start around 6:00 AM CST Saturday, and end 6:00 AM Sunday CST (Saturday to Sunday morning).
Such an epic quest deserves a game to honor it. So I have created this. The point of this is mostly to keep juice awake. Every 15 minutes either a scream sound will play, or a semi truck horn… There may also be a random picture of a narwhal, best you don’t ask why. I have also put in counters for various words Juice says often. (Check the highscores for the amount for each word!)- And before you ask why juice might say he hates KoTG, KoTG is the one who dared Juice to do this.
Juice will be spending most of his time in the Digg Mark 1 chatroom, so make sure to drop by and wish him luck!