0x40 Hues


Woah woah calm down, there's nothing new but a few small things.

This is way past due, but here's a Hues based on the Winter (v5.1) codebase with the 5.0 Defaults instead. Contains the new beat characters and effects and such, too.

Why .11? It has a tiny teeny bit of a changelog:

Flashvars: you can set the options (blur amount, automatic song changing, scaling, etc.) in an / tag. Check out this paste for possible values and a barebones example.
SHIFT now randoms a song
5.0 Defaults: Removed the white from Lain animation

Here's the updated 0x40 Hues of Winter 5.11, too
You can read more about 5.1 here and 5.0 here, or just scroll down a tad since we don't post that much.

Until next time!