A.E.D Reference Sheet - Flash




The new flash ref is much nicer, and updated. Go to it:

---> https://www.deviantart.com/deviation/40997031/ <---


EDIT: LoL alrighty a few people have been wondering about the whole "immortal and so can be killed" bit and i can see how that would cause confusion. A.E.D is immortal but in the elf sense (like how elves can live forever until someone kills them) so that pretty much works with how A.E.D's lifespan is built - he can live forever until someone kills him. Also, i put him as immortal because he is not a 'God' like Satan (who can't be killed) but he is also not mortal like humans (who are killed too easily).


Here be the ref sheet/flash/thing for my fanirken A.E.D (who was sposed to get a better name but the initials stuck) =D

I wanted to add a crapload of stuff in, but didn't want to bloat the file size. So in the end i didnt. ^^; OH there is music too but only in the first part, and there's a weird bit where the first note of music plays straight after the ending of another bit of music and it's not sposed to do that, so just ignore it kay.

A.E.D rocks. :boogie: Some of the pics i drew i actually didn't put his wings in. Reason being i got lazy and forgot. :XD: AND AND just another tidbit of info i couldn't fit in: When A.E.D's in shadow form his eyes are pure white, and in normal form when he gets really pissed - and i mean REALLY FUCKING "ARRGH" pissed - his eyes turn grey. :o

There's a hidden something for you to find. :wow: I wonder if you can get it.

...I don't know what else to type, so CREDITS! =)

All drawings and A.E.D (c) me [*https://darqx.deviantart.com/] except the Irken symbol which i got off the net

Irkens in general are (c) to Jhonen Vasquez

Music comes from http://www.flashkit.com

(except the Invader Song which is (c) Kevin Manthei)

The bg on the preview pic (the spacey type thing) was done with the help of a nifty tutorial from http://www.good-tutorials.com

Lyrics (c) to Blink 182 and Extreme

Publisher: DeviantArt
Developer: Darqx
Language: en
Year: 2005