Aeternus Lamnia Duo

The alternate application is a slightly different version where the final boss has another attack which it doesn't have in the main version.
Take up your sword against the Eternal Eleven.
Author Comments:
Aeternus Lamnia Duo is the sequel to a game I made almost three years ago called Aeternus Lamnia. It was pretty well received, but since it was one of my first games I always thought I could do more with the idea. So I started the second one. There are a total of 12 bosses and 10 minigames. I've also added a shield, fire magic and strength magic to spice up combat a bit.
I honestly thought I'd never finish this. I started it about two years ago and worked on it for awhile until I quit because it was taking up too much time. Now that I have so much free time on my hands (summer :D) I was able to get it completed. You can expect the third one in 2012.