Alea Story


PLEASE READ BEFORE PLAYING, or read the in-game information at least.
- Most of the outcomes are randomized. Yes, there is something to “Staying Home” repeatedly. That’s all I’m saying because this more of a conceptual piece for my senior project final.

- There are 10 different “outcomes” in this one. And that this is my first time ever doing this kind of animation in flash DX (I usually do frame-by-frame because I was stupid).

TIME: 4 Weeks. (From Start to Finish; Designing, organizing, drawing, animating, scripting, testing, refining).

MUSIC/THEME: David Espana & Daniel Mehta
FLASH SUPPORT: Tobias Sojobom ( and Hanley Weng
GAME TESTERS: Sam Bullock, Merritt Langley, Samuel Williams, Hanley Weng, Alej Argote,
(See Full Credits in-game)
Official Link Here:

:iconhellshine: ~HellShine 1 day 19 hours ago
[...] it's very symbolic of how things don't really work out in real life the way one imagines them to. Even the part about not being able to choose one's own name or gender, or press the cancel button after the game starts (people can't choose not to be born).
I agree with you. Even if life is hazardous, or inexplicable, or unpredictable, or there doesn't seem to be any point in it, people can't just give up and 'stay at home'. Because that wouldn't be very fun. There's only one life, and we don't know for a true, unshakable fact what death will bring. Some- many people take things on faith, but faith doesn't always work out the way it's expected to (hence the heaven part).
We should all live as much as we can! Because we don't know when else we can be happy. That doesn't mean fear death or anything, because, then how would that be considered living? Accept what your given and make the best of it, right?
This has been cutely (chibis!) and smoothly animated, accompanied by beautiful and fitting music. Along with being aesthetically pleasing, this animation is also emotionally moving, and enlightening. [...] Hopefully I'll be able to remember this message for the rest of my life.

:iconmirageode: ~mirageode 1 day 12 hours ago
[...] i don't think the game is about getting into heaven (correct me if i'm wrong, but i don't think getting into heaven is one of the outcomes). it is, so to speak, the journey that counts.XD i kept playing the game to see what other deaths await the character. i like the game's comment (or what i interpret as the game's comment) about the inevitability of death. no matter how much we try to avoid it, or study it, or philosophize about it, it still gets us, sometimes when we least expect it.
the funny opening sequence about pretending to give us options also supports this. we're so big on free will and individual choice and a gazillion options that sometimes we forget that we don't always have options. we didn't get to choose what sex we are or what name our parents gave us.XD i also like the quotes about death, especially the one by stewart alsop. the stats are informative and remind us of the gruesome realities of death that we sometimes choose to ignore. i wish it had more background music though. i was pretty uncomfy with the 'dead air'.
overall, i think the game is cute and humorous, but also intelligent. there is a seriousness behind the cuteness.

:iconragdollysharmain:~ragdollysharmain 1 day 3 hours ago
So from my personal look at this game I think I figured out the story/reason/wahtnot. You can only choose where you can go. what happens to you when you make that choice in the hands of someone else I don't know. thats just how i feel

Publisher: DeviantArt
Developer: Eychanchan
Language: en
Year: 2009