Alex's Flowercatch

Yay. :iconmiyukitty: wanted to see an Alex-catching-flowers-for-Mia-game. and so here it is! ^_^
was fastly done for i could copy lot's of stuff from the Mia game. hrhr~ x3
What the game is about:
Alex courting on Mia. according to your points she will love him even more (in case you win xD).
unfortunatly it could happen that Alex also lays eyes on Jenna (that small bubble with the red-head face is supossed to be Jenna <_<), in that case he looses some of Mia's affection.
And when he flirts with Felix (the other bubble), he gets badly beaten up so that it costs a life. xD
mhm still not prefect (and not really in the right season xD) but hope you like it though. =D
worst problem is how i can make the thingies fall at different times while using "random" as operation. hmpf. need to figure that out.
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(those who won are automatically better than those that got beaten up x3)
(1) Sandy - 2580
(2) :icongoldensunen: 1920
(3) :iconrevanbodyguard: 920
(4) :iconctpikk1223: 650
(5) :iconpodlubnik: 600
(6) :iconbente-unerz36: 2430
(7) :iconmiyukitty: 1000