Alien Feeder Game


V2.8 Peaceful Mode has been re-added to the game. The alien girl doesn't move or lay eggs, but you can feed her without any monsters around.

V2.7 Hopefully fixed some issues, such as the flying feeder disappearing off the screen and not coming back. Also the score resets now when you start over.
Use the A and D keys to move the girls, instead of the arrow keys.
The alien girls will now lose weight if you don't keep feeding them.

V2.6 I completely remade the game in Stencyl so it could be played in Flash.
There's also several changes from the older version, found here:

Now you can control the girls with the left and right arrow keys. You don't have to click on anything anymore. There is now a flying feeder alien thing who follows where you move the mouse, grabs items and feeds the alien girls.
The girls now get quite a bit fatter. There's a potion to make them spiky, to protect from monsters. The shields appear after grabbing a plant, rather than an egg.

The game probably still needs tweaking. Let me know if you think it's too easy, or too many girls (it gets rather crowded when I play). The timing of things could be changed too, like when special items and new monster appear. There may still be some bugs that I'm not sure how to fix. I'm figuring this out as I go.

There's no peaceful mode right now. Sorry. I would like to add that as an unlockable thing. I'm also thinking extra stages would be good. Say you have to get a high enough score to move on. Something like that.