Animated Pony Commission: Fire Strike


This is my sixteenth My Little Pony animation commission. This was requested by [:icon3vilpyro:]( 3vilpyro. Fire Strike is an Original Character created by 3vilpyro.

Sooooo, if y'all are wondering why I haven't uploaded anything in a while this is the culprit. This was a super fun project to work on, which I started working on back in May (holy cow!) and I was pleasantly surprised when 3vilpyro went and requested more than half of of my commission catalog. The biggest challenge with this commission was going back and re-editing all the old base animations, which, I gotta be honest, were really outdated and a little embarrassing, but they look so much better now that they've been spruced up. Gone are the days of using Motion Tweens and in are the days of animating on 2s, which I learned was a thing while working at my job. Anyways, definitely one of the coolest OCs I've animated.

Click on a pony and see it up close!

If you want your My Little Pony Original Character animated, [then visit this page for details.](


**Completed Commissions**
:bulletred: [Starling for Squeno/Aoxis](
:bulletorange: [Swift Flying for outlaw4rc](
:bulletyellow: [Flightless for CieloRey](
:bulletgreen: [Short Hilt for SayaArt](
:bulletblue: [Raindew for thetriforcebearer](
:bulletpurple: [Surfing Blossom for outlaw4rc](
:bulletpink: [AirGuitar or AireGeetar](
:bulletred: [Cielo X Luna for CieloRey](
:bulletorange: [Ester for Captain-of-the-Guard](
:bulletyellow: [Phenomenon for Captain-of-the-Guard](
:bulletgreen: [Zeo Hooves for zeospark16](
:bulletblue: [Rhythm for IHaveNoNick](
:bulletpurple: [Aurelia Charm for AureliaCharmCutiees](
:bulletred: [Nightshine for Abyss136](
:bulletorange: [Fire Strike, Polly and Cuddle Bug for 3vilpyro/Khimi-chan/xBeautifulDreamerx](
:bulletyellow: Fire Strike for 3vilpyro

**Test Animations**
:bulletred: [Applejack Run Test Animation](
:bulletorange: [Twilight Sparkle Walk Test Animation](
:bulletyellow: [Derpy Hooves/Ditzy Doo Fly Animation](
:bulletgreen: [Pinkie Pie Bounce Animation](
:bulletblue: [Vinyl Scratch/DJ p0n-3 Head Bop Test Animation](
:bulletpurple: [IAmSwagg Walk Test Animation](
:bulletpink: [Chroma Cutter Walk Test Animation](
:bulletred: [Princess Luna Hair Test Animation](
:bulletorange: [Applejack Bounce Animation](