Anime Character Maker 2

It’s back, and bigger than ever! Almost 4x the options as the original, plus the ability to create males!
Whether you need a character for your pen and paper campaign, want a fresh idea for your new character, or maybe you just don’t want to draw something, this program may be just for you!
The ACM2 is a creator/generator to dress up anime characters, similar to a paper doll. While it may seem limited at first glance, it is updated from time to time.
Click on buttons!
To change Gender, click on the pink/blue buttons next to the email address.
Red circle button = Reset item and color.
Dice Button = Random (use random to achieve nonstandard colors).
There’s no save feature (due to Actionscript 1.0), but you can use Print Screen, then paste the image into an image program such as Paint and save it to disk.
What is R2? It’s a more controlled random. It won’t add most armor, and overall is less likely to make a character look like they exploded.