Another Flash Calculator

Another Flash Calculator (my FIRST project 8D)
Author Comments:
My veryveryvery FIRST flash project
so don't think like: what a wierdo, I tried everything from newgrounds I wanted to try (like the ad, it's just something to try 8D) anduuhm, uuuhm, next line..
please review me and give some tips how to optimise this!
I have already planned a next flash project but thats gonna be much better, I made this in only 1 day with the use of tutvid! ( atch?v=5k3h37YKZJI)
I just did what he said and this turned out!
Cana nyone tell me how all these good flash makers make an icon for thei project? is that build into flash CS4/3? O=
I used actionscript 3 for anyone interested and I just loved the song (another thing I added just to try)
Cya all and thanks for rating(if you did so) and commenting(if you did so)
bye!! =P
P.S. ad-clicking is welcome ;]