Applejack's Hurdle Jumpin'


A fun game where you can challenge your friends for the best score, ( i may also update it soon with a leaderboard as well)

Controls Space to jump, Mouse to navigate the menus

V. 1.0.0
- Release of full game
- Best score counter
- Extra secret mode (score of 170 required to unlock)

:iconquasdar: - Title Applejack
:iconjrrhack: - Title BG
:iconpatekoro: - AJ vector
:iconstillfire: - AJ vector
:iconjeatz-axl: - AJ vectors
:icondrewdini: - AJ vector
:iconnoah-x3: - backgrounds
:iconmlp-vectorclub: - other vectors/backgrounds
:icondesktop-pony-team: - Pony Sprites
Acoustic Brony - Level Music…

Publisher: DeviantArt
Developer: SonicFFVII
Language: en
Year: 2014