Applejack Terran S.C.V Unit Portrait


Before I do anything big with animations, I decided to start small steps by testing expressions and simple movements, which is why this is made!


One thing I realise about RTS (after playing Age of Empires III) is that worker units are extremely important (before that, I never did much with workers...), which applies to Starcraft II. This here is a homage to the Terran worker unit, the SCV - Space Construction Vehicle.

Speaking of worker units, this is why I love Hellions and Banshees, to raid drones and probes (in AI match)

AJ... I'm stuck between the Hellion or the SCV. But after noting her quotes, I decided to go with the SCV :)

One thing I really love about Blizzard's RTSs is the unit portraits as well as the units "pissed off speech" when you click on them one too many times. Which is why I'm inspired to try to cross MLP and Starcraft, also to test my pony (and to that, other complex stuff) animating skills. I still suck at this ^^;


There are 11 unique response that Applejack will give if she is clicked, ranging from normal confirmations, to irritated responses. Left idle, Applejack will perform 4 unique idle animation ranging from normal scanning to playing with the SCV indoor lights. I tried to cross SC II and MLP quotes as authentic as possible, meaning that some are ripped directly from SC II wth modifications.

Responses are taken directly from MLP Cartoons (at first, i planned to do the voices myself to give the starcraft feel, until I realise that I am a man with a baritone voice :( Consarn growing up... )

Well I think this is good enough, next up is Pinkie Pie as Thor, or Fluttershy as Medivac? Well your pick :) Suggestions are also most welcome :D

Time taken (without character vector preparation): less than 1 Day
Time taken (with vector preparation): :iconderpplz:

Music used is Terran Theme No.4
(speaking of which, I know SC 1 themes have a sentimental value to some of you, so should I use SC 1's for the next one?)

Starcraft II (C) Blizzard
MLP:FiM (C) Hasbro
Microsoft Sam (C) Microsoft Sam

No marines were harmed in the making of this animation

Other Unit Portraits:
:iconso-awesomeplz: - Terran Banshee: [link]

:iconfluttershyplz: - Terran Medivac: [link]

:iconpinkiepienoesplz: - Terran Thor: [link]

:iconrarityplz: - Terran Battlecruiser: [link]

:icontwilightcrazyplz: - Terran Ghost: [link]

:iconsarcasticlunaplz: - Protoss Dark Templar [link]

Publisher: DeviantArt
Developer: Yudhaikeledai
Language: en
Year: 2011