Arctic Foxes

Have you ever been to the North Pole? Well, if you dread the freezing cold and you're not really willing to walking through a desert of snow and massive blocks of ice, but you've always wanted to have a close look at some of those cute animals living there, now is your chance. Play the arctic foxes management game and take a safe virtual journey to the white land, where you get to look after some adorable little polar foxes!
Oh, here you have the first one of them, looking so very shy and yet determined to convince you to feed her some of her two top favorite snacks: fresh fish and yummy eggs. In no time you'll realize that you’re actually playing one of the very best management games that you can find online! Click on the desired foodie, then on the snow-white foxy as well and you'll be rewarded with a “thank you” look and a burst of cute little red hearts symbolizing that you've just managed to win the affection of a wild arctic fox. Good job! Get ready to welcome the new gorgeous foxes to come and be quick to comb their super snow-white fur, grabbing the tiny comb you have there, in the bottom of your screen, even to give them a bath, if necessary, covering them up in soap foam, rubbing it in into their fur and then using the head shower you have there for rinsing it off. If you're already used to playing only the best management games that the internet can offer you, you'll definitely agree that this fast-paced, challenging game here exceeds your expectations! Besides their daily meal made of tasty eggs and yummy fishies, your foxes might be asking you to feed them some steaks, too, so be sure to click on the slices of meat, as well, whenever the wish bubbles popping up above their heads suggest that you should do that. Keep them fed, keep them perfectly groomed and cleaned and earn those shy foxes' trust and friendship, turning your fun-filled trip at the North Pole into a truly unforgettable one.
If you're one of those highly picky players who would never ever go for an underrated management game, luckily for you on Rainbowdressup we're hosting only the very best management games, the truly fast-paced, action—packed ones that will challenge your skills to the max. Feel free to try them all!