Attack of the Snuggly Bunnies

How to Play:
Left + Right Arrow keys: move (you walk faster while not standing)
Space bar: punch (and stand up)
Down Arrow key: Get down on all four legs (only while standing)
P key: Pause/Unpause
Q key: Change quality (may be needed to reduce lag)
K key: Mute/Unmute sound effects
F key: Enable/Disable color filters (may be needed to reduce lag)
The number in the top left corner of the screen tells you how many teleports you have left (used automatically)
Punch the snuggly bunnies before they get you!
It was an ordinary night in the Ponyville library. Twilight was up late doing... library stuff. And all of a sudden, snuggly little bunnies started appearing in her library, trying to snuggle her! So she was left with only one choice: Punch the bunnies in the face to avoid their snuggling for as long as possible.
All My Little Pony Friendship is Magic characters and settings belong to Hasbro
Programming, graphics, and music by Renaissance Brony
Renaissance Brony's comment:
Yaaaay! I finally finished it! I've been working on this game for over a month, and I'm finally done. There are a few glitches left, but nothing that makes in unplayable.
This game marks a lot of firsts for me. It's the first game I've published, if you don't count all my simple little Interactive Flash Animations where all you do is click. This game contains my first ever original animation, as up to this point I've always animated based off of something that's already been animated, but I did Twilight's animations entirely by myself this time. And the final first is the song you can hear in the menus. I'd never tried to make my own music before, but now I've tried it once, and that song is the result!
I know this game might not be as fun as some of my Interactive Flash Thingies, but I'm very proud of it because it took a lot more work to make. It was entirely worth it, because I learned a lot of new stuff throughout the process.
Thanks again to everyone who supported my decision to stop focusing on animating and instead look into game design. I hope you're not disappointed with this result. I couldn't have done it without you! :)