Azul Baronis


Tis a while since me and pags finished this game, but someone linked me to a thread with a few people requesting it here, so I thought I’d upload it =]

Please note that your score can NOT be recorded in this version. I would have liked to put the kongregate APIs into this version, but unfortunately it is already exclusively sponsored =/

This game is not stolen, check my deviantArt journal for proof


- WASD to fly the ship, Mouse to aim/fire. Space to use the afterburner.
- A few people have been getting confused, but the afterburner only works when the yellow bar is charged, and it drops to zero if you shoot or get shot.
- Also, if you want to start in a destroyer, press ‘End’ to self-destruct in your fighter.

Publisher: MoFunZone
Developer: AndrewMartin
Language: en
Year: 2008