Baby Fun New Born Brother

Baby Lisi and Friends Backyard Playing
It is time for Lisi to have a newborn brother so while mommy and daddy are in the hospital, Lisi and her friends are in the backyard having fun. Be with the kids and hand them what they need.
Newborn Brother is Home
Lisi’s parents are finally home with her New Born brother and Lisi is very happy. Her best friends are here too and since Lisi is a good girl she wants to help her mother. Will you be there to guide her?
Baby Lisi Brother Care
Baby Lisi is preparing her brothers bed and she is taking good care of him, amusing him with toys, however you need to help her because she is very little to do all the attention her brother craves. Good luck!
Instructions: Baby Lisi welcomes her New Born brother and she is super excited. She and her friends in the backyard playing and eating candies, when all of a sudden comes mommy, daddy and her new born baby brother. Lisi is acting all grown up and wants to help her mother. Be with her and help her.