Baby Lisi Morning Care

Baby Lisi Cleaning Room
Baby Lisi wakes up and she is little confused thinking that she needs to go to preschool. Help her understand by giving her the calendar, then clean the room with Lisi and dress her up.
Baby Lisi Morning Care
Lisi is in the bathroom. She must clean her teeth, face and hands so she can be ready for the breakfast her mother is making. Give her hand with the morning activities.
Breakfast Time for Baby Lisi
Now that Lisi is clean, she sits on the table with her family and starts eating. However her dog and cat want to eat too! Will you help Lisi feed them?
Baby Lisi Toy Story
Since Lisi really likes to play with her toys, after the breakfast that is her only wish of course. Be with Baby Lisi and fulfill all her needs while she’s playing.
Instructions: In this educational game the main thing that children must understand is that the Morning Care is very important. That is why you have to be with Baby Lisi and clean her room and then dress her in proper clothes before breakfast time. Then take her in the bathroom, clean the teeth, the face and the hands. Consequently Lisi can have her breakfast all cleaned up. Afterwards that, play with the toys with her as a reward for being a good kid.