Bad Dudes vs. Osama Bin Laden

The Bad Dudes take on Osama Bin Laden.
Author Comments:
I've been very conflicted ever since the attack on NYC... I was considering making a tribute movie that portrayed the positive acts that occured during the aftermath, but eventually decided to stick with my roots and make a violent video game. I have a hard time trying new things.
I wasn't sure if a game would be appropriate, but I realized that it really is. You see, America is very sad right now, but it is also very ANGRY. People need a way to vent their frustrations, and I feel this can help.
I also tried to pack the game with a positive message. There are a lot of nice people in my city who wear turbans, and I don't want people giving them dirty looks just because of some wacko terrorists. So with that said, go kick Bin Laden's ass!