Basic Mouse Puzzle 3

Here I present the third installment of Basic Mouse Puzzle - a simple mouse avoider type puzzle game.
This one is even simpler!
It has twenty five(25) levels that divide into these categories:
> 5 Basic levels
> 5 Vent levels
> 5 Gun levels
> 5 Surveillance levels
> 5 Variety levels
Among them are puzzle levels where you'll have to look for ways a little longer than usual.
This time I thought of making a game a little more easy and more possible, since previous(second)
installment of this game beat a frustration out on, wait! FIRST LEVEL!!!
Alright, I guess it's up to you now to figure out each of these stages...
Have Fun (:
PS.: the ALT cheat is available, cheat if you want, but really, this game is too easy to cheat on!! or is it?
PPS.: the preloader might not work, so if you don't mind, please wait until the browser bar reaches 100% (: and then either press play(if works) or RMB->Forward..