Beetle Mania

So I started this in the summer but I got lazy so it took this long to have completed.
I have always wanted to make a recreation of this game and now I have. This is to the first of my knowledge the only Beetle Mania game created in flash (its also my personal favorite).
This game was my very first game created with Flixel and the source can be downloaded @
beetlemania/downloads/lis t
Controls are spacebar to shoot and arrow keys to move.
Shoot the shells and Fishers
Collect the green mushrooms and starbits
You can get huge scores by making chain reactions with the shells. The key to large scores is these chain reactions. You can make chain reactions by letting the screen fill with shells and shooting off just 1 star to clear all the shells.
Shooting the fisher will reset the game and gives 100,000 points.
A green mushroom appears when a the highest chain reaction is made and will reset the number of spacebar presses needed to come back to life.
I hope you people enjoy playing this as much as I enjoyed making it! Comments are very welcome but please keep it constructive!