Bezier fabric


Another experiment I made. Involves: simulation of magnetic force (cursor and circles) , springs (neighboring circles), and Bezier approximation.

You can control some variables of the script.

Number of circles X Y: Just input as many as you like and push. I do not recommend making more than 10x10 because that can hang your computer.

Cursor power: How strong will circles are pushed from cursor. You can set it to 0 and catch the circles if you like (pretty funny to drag them ;p)

Power absorption: How much power is absorbed on each frame. My system is not ideal so if this number is set to 0 it is possible that system will start to get more energy than it uses. That will lead to a collapse and may hang you computer so I don't recommend setting it to 0.

Connection power: Power of the springs that connect neighboring circles. Looks funny when it is small :D

Publisher: DeviantArt
Developer: wonderwhy-ER
Language: en
Year: 2006