BFOI R2 - OIT-057 + OIT-029

:bulletblue: Move your mouse around everyone to get hints for how to move on!
:bulletblue: And please click to continue for the psuedo-comic parts. ;)
:bulletblue: And can you protect the trainers from being burned by electricity? XD
And in case if you're wondering why you can understand Pokemon speech there, it's because they're being translated by some special device...
*please refresh the page to view the alternate ending if you managed to protect the trainers! ^^; Or try this: [link]Will fix this bug soon after dA allow editing flash submissions again...Now fixed! :D And now I have a support ticket in my message box! XD
For :iconbattle-frontier: Round 2: The Mix n' Match Challenge!
Disclamer: no sprinklers were harmed in the making of the entry. They were just turned on by Air Slash! ;)
So we have team Yellow VS team Purple here... or maybe team Mischevious VS team Ugly :XD:
Featuring: Konn's Wind(Fan Rotom) + Rei's Ven(Pichu) VS Michelle's Courage(Granbull) x Darryl's Tom(Purugly).
I really enjoyed the planning process for this round, it brings back the good ol' memories of UBF Round 3! :heart: I guess I'm just super lucky to have awesome partners every time for collab rounds... XD
:iconbrumby-magic: and I planned for mirrored entries, so check her entry too!! :dance: Everyone looks 200 times handsomer in her style <3