BFOI: Round 9


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8u …

Okay, umm, where to begin…

Well this round reminded be a bit of R7 in the fact that it gave me the perfect opportunity to torture rough up Remi some more. lD She needs more battle scars. The ones on her eyes aren’t enough >8U

Her personal challenge was that her team is blinded by Truffles (Breloom) and Rosalie (Roselia). Why isn’t FrenchFry blinded you ask? Why because she’s already blind, silly! This is where syncing with :iconwinnie-beatles: comes in. Because, you know, Togekiss Bros~ And because she’s cool! lD I also have Chance in here a few times because I thought that, since they bonded a bit last round, that he’d be there to support Remi this round.

When making this I saw a lot of similarities between Taz and Remi, so I thought I’d use that to my advantage. Uhmm….there are some parts in this where I feel like I made Taz a bit…too…crazy. With the whole breakdown and everything ohmygosh But, whatever… lol.

Alsoalsoalso, I wanted to do something for the one Y1 rap-up mini-contest but I didn’t think I’d have time to do both that and R9… I just threw something in R9 to make up for it. It has a few people that Remi was bro’s with/interacted with in previous rounds and a bunch of people that I’ve met too. Or, at least I think I’ve met/ talked to you. Even if was only like twice or something ...whatever >_>; It’s kinda just a big thank you to you guys for being awesome wonderful people ;u;

And ohmygosh, this ending is so ridiculous. It’s so sappy. I’m not a big fan of the whole friendship fixes everything kinda thing, but here I am using it. Gawd. I’m just being all sappy and corny this round :u ….

Erm…yep. That’s it.

I’m gonna go hide in a corner now because I’m kind of embarrassed by this. :iconotlplz:


Aidan: [link]
Chance: [link]
Cori: [link]
Dan: [link]
Darryl: [link]
Fred: [link]
Gia: [link]
Gracidea: [link]
Grave: [link]
Judith: [link]
Julian: [link]
Kaito: [link]
K.C.: [link]
Kiriana: [link]
Kiro: [link]
Konn: [link]
Lane: [link]
Laurala: [link]
Marty: [link]
Michelle: [link]
Miguel: [link]
Natsuki: [link]
Nelsan: [link]
Rainer: [link]
Rhea: [link]
Romeo: [link]
Rosaline: [link]
Sal: [link]
Tabitha: [link]
Tom: [link]
Will/Fritz: [link]

Taz: [link]
Remi: [link]

Series: BFOI
Publisher: DeviantArt
Developer: SnazzyChipz
Language: en
Year: 2012