Biblio Dressup & Customizer


It's about time for my Flash skills to level up...

This is my half of the art trade for who asked for a dress up of Biblio, her OC. Her half of the trade is to make a plushie of ME, so hopefully this is good enough ^^;

Here you get to change not JUST the fur color, but the paws, mouth, tail, eyes and expression via BUTTONS, which leaves more room for other dressup items :)

So yes I'm finally capable of producing dress ups with more than one button, and I'm capable now of producing more elaborate dressups that allow for more interactivity than before. If only my art could improve this quickly that would be even more awesome, but I'm quite happy at this ability to make my dressups more fun. Therefore I can call this a doll maker really ;)

Anyways, hope you like it, this was done over a course of three days and it was well worth it in my opinion :aww:

P.S. You can take off the wings too if you want ^^

Publisher: DeviantArt
Developer: pichu90
Tag: Dress Up
Language: en
Year: 2008