Block Breaker

PgUp=Left Soft Key
PgDn=Right Soft Key
Arrow Keys=Navigational Pad
Enter=Center/OK Button
The Flash Lite Strategy Game is a classic Tetris or Minesweeper type of block game. The idea is to choose blocks that are surrounded and connected to blocks of a similar color. Choosing these blocks removes them from the stage and drops any blocks above them down to fill their empty spaces. The goal is to have as few blocks remaining at the end as possible.
The source file is made up of two frames on the main timeline. One is a welcome screen; the next is the game interface screen. The game interface screen starts by duplicating a template block and randomly changing its properties until the board is full.
Next, the cursor is placed in the upper lefthand square. At this point, the user can move the cursor, controlled by the key captures button.
Once the user selects a square, the key event (Enter) sets the event engine in motion. The event engine contains the logic of the game.
First the event engine stores which block was selected. Next it searches up, down, left, and right of that block looking for other blocks with similar characteristics. If it finds a match, it stores the block's blockNumber in a simulated array, necessary because Flash Lite 1.1 doesn't support Arrays.
The event engine then checks to the up, down, left, and right of any block that was a match. It then recursively loops through the simulated array, checking every matched block.
When there are no more matches, the event engine removed the matches and proceeds to move the blocks above it down to fill the spots left empty by the removed matches. This is done by looping through the local simulated array, noting the _x position, and moving each block above it down 15 pixels.
Note: The game is fairly processor intensive. The loops have been optimized as much as possible, but attempting to run the game on an older handset (such as a Nokia 3650) is not recommended. Best results will be displayed using a newer device, such as a Nokia 6680.