Blood Tyrant

New RPG by FLATLINE and Robert Hartley.., SOURCE FILE AVAILABLE!!!
Author Comments:
This is the RPG I was working on with Robert Hartley, since Rob was the main author and I was only the programmer, he had 98% of the stuff for the RPG, unfortunately all his stuff were gone!! Lost in a Format!! He gave up the project and let me do whatever I want with it, so I decided to release what I still have as a source file. I think that this file will help less experienced flashers to bring out new game flashes more easily, what I don't have the time or motivation to do.
Remember that this game is unfinished, there's no preloader, nothing happens when you die and there's NO WAY TO FINISH THIS GAME! Also many things are missing because they weren't implemented yet. The whole point of this submission is that you can get the source file for this game.
Good luck!!
The download link for the RPG source file:
Copy and paste the link into your browser's address field. Delete any spaces that may appear due to Newground's anti-code filter.
Enjoy, and good luck! :)