Brentaren Dress Up

The Brentaren people live almost exclusively in Brioria, a medieval kingdom in the north-eastern plains and forests of Aelevar. They are distinguished from the other races by their (relatively) short, pointy ears and vibrant, two-colored hair. Brentar women take extreme pride in their hair, more so than even their dress. To cover one's hair is a symbol of being a lower class, working woman or a noble woman going through grief. It is a mark of shame for a Brentar woman to have her hair cut short, and a symbol of nobility for her hair to reach her knees or even feet.
Other races in Aelevar tend to consider the Brentaren as prim, narrow-minded heathens with little regard for Aelevar's Creator. Regardless, their culture and history, (as well as their mysteriously closed borders and dislike of curious foreigners), has granted them an attitude of awe and even respect from the majority of the peoples in Aelevar.
We finished! We're so excited to bring you this one! It's artwork from a couple months ago; please take mercy on me as I am still learning. Meanwhile, :iconfirelight342: did all of the coding--pages and pages and pages of talented, self-taught coding.
So here are some things that we have learned through this new game!:
-A format which will make the images less pixelated and rough than our last one (though still, the more you zoom in, the higher your quality will be. We can't change that completely just yet)
-The coding of shading and outline being on the same layer instead of seperate, making the file much smaller and faster
-The ability for a feature to retain its color even as you change options! FiLi figured that one out. On her own. She's so cool.
As usual, this is an experiment and something we do to learn and to have fun, so it's not a perfect product.
You are invited to play, make your own characters, post screenshots, share around, and please credit/mention one of us. We love seeing what you've made!
We would also love to see screenshots even in the comments section. We enjoy and appreciate it, as well as any constructive criticism, including when you find bugs like buttons that don't work.
Next time, we hope to find a way to make a "reset" button as well as (maybe) a "save as" (though I never understand why one uses it when they have a perfectly good screen shot taker.. oh well).
Again, Artwork done by :iconshattering-gravity:, coding done by :iconfirelight342: