Build a City


Me Too! Gallery (b65567ea-6b96-4ba1-b182-88506b29cc15) contains cities built within this game.

The 4399 version was sourced from - it appears to be modified, likely due to being multi-asset and therefore having to store its assets on the 4399 servers, although there may be further modifications as well. 4399 did not host the audio files for button selection.

The sound data (excluding the button names, which were not hosted on 4399) for the main BBC version has been copied from the 4399 version for ease, and is expected to be identical to that of the BBC version. All other sound data, which was not hosted by 4399, was soured from here:*/*

Currently, the following sound files are missing, and are unavailable from the Wayback Machine (all that is archived in their place are 404 pages):
- bush_1_btn.mp3
- bush_2_btn.mp3
- clump_of_trees_2_btn.mp3
- granny_house_btn.mp3
- foot_bridge_btn.mp3
- railway_bridge_btn.mp3
- road_bridge_btn.mp3
- tree_1_btn.mp3
- tree_2_btn.mp3
Help in locating these files would be appreciated - if found, a fix for this game should be submitted as with any other game.

The XML data for the BBC version has also ben copied from the 4399 version, as the Wayback Machine's appears to be corrupt and makes the game effectively unplayable.

Use the people and buildings to create a city like Riverseafingal.

Publisher: BBC / CBeebies
Language: en
Year: 2007