Call Of Duty Emblem Maker

This is a small flash thing i've been working on for a couple of hours now. It's the Call of Duty Black Ops emblem maker! So you guys can just make your emblems and other cool stuff with this, its still buggy at the moment though as all my rushed projects are XD.
You might wanna hit download and then fullscreen your browser.
Anyway i'll give you a quick run down of how to use it:
Use the Next and Prev buttons to select which object to place.
Use the scale slider to adjust the size. (Scale of 0 hides the object.)
Use the rotation slider to adjust the rotation. (Full to the left or right is vertically up.)
Simply drag the object around in the right hand window.
Click the select colour button and then pick a colour swatch to switch colour.
Use the depth draggers (thats the button with 3 circles on it just to the left of the preview window) to tweak each item's depth.
Drag the icon over the frame of which layer you want to switch with. Please note that the objects SWAP depth, the object you drag DOES NOT simply go above where you dropped it.
If you wish to go up in single layer increments simply drag the dragger to the next LOWEST slot
EG: drag the layer 2 slot to the layer 3 slot and then the layer 3 slot to the layer 4 slot ect.
The higher the number the closer to the bottom it is.
(This method will hopefully be streamlined in future patches)
No patches
Fix the shitty depth controls
Add the rest of the emblems
Fix my half assed drag functions (they suck)
Start a competition when its patched enough
Make the selection pages for the emblems
On another note, I'd really like to see some of your emblems so
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BTW: I Suck at ascii art) >_>