Castle game character engine


This is just a preview of a platformer engine i made for a project, even though i realized about half way through that this is basically flixel.orgFlixel >.<

arrows- move
x- attack (the blue guy will disappear because i havent come up with an attack for him)
1234567890-=\]'/ are all different classes

random things that i feel the need to mention-
all graphics are from sprite sheets
map is generated from an array
gates will only let their team through
the wizard is awesome

edits- ladder platforms, thanks *
moar ladders
different traits for different classes including hittests that actually take into account the character's dimensions
press down to preview things below you
and put the foreground in the..well foreground >.<

Publisher: DeviantArt
Developer: billythegoat101
Language: en
Year: 2010