Cat Math

If there's something this kitty loves, besides her favorite kitty snacks, a yummy bowl of fresh milk, playing with her thread ball or purring in her loving owner's arms, then it must be... mathematics! Pretty surprised? Well, don't be, for this cat is a real math-addict, she would subtract, do fun challenging additions or multiplications all day long, counting all the mice she'll hunt, all the tasty snacks she's left with, after having enjoyed a few for lunch, or multiplying her favorite toys, for she's sure to get some brand new ones on her upcoming birthday! So, if you're still not yet convinced that math can be fun, join this kitty on her numbers-filled world, getting the cat math game started, and convince yourself of that!
Let's see, what type of mathematical operation would our cute, fluffy mathematician here love to indulge in today? Select whether you'd like to lend her a helping hand with her divisions, her additions, her multiplications or her subtractions, select the level of difficulty, as well, then: let the mind-teasing fun begin? You can't say that you've already enjoyed all the most engaging online math games for kids available online until you haven't played this fun-packed game here! Take your time before you click on one of those possible answers, but don't waste too much time on a single mathematical operation, for you you're time limited. The more bad answers you'll give, the less chances you'll have to beat other players' records, like in lots of other math games that you might have already tried online! Also, the more time you spend trying to figure out whether 2 plus 10 equals 12, 25 or 13, for instance, the less chances you'll get to solve lots and lots of operations, before you run out of time, and therefore... pull off an outstanding score. Don't let your attention get caught by the sweet looking kitty, for you'll be losing precious time, and do your best to bring out that little “brainiac” inside you, that highly skilful mathematician, and give all the correct answers to the mathematical operation popping up in the kitty's speech bubble there.
Playing online math games for kids sure is highly mind-stimulating, but playing the very best of them, upgraded with gorgeous graphics and with the fun factor added to them, too, is even better. Therefore, what would you say about looking for some more math games prepared for you on Rainbowdressup?