Character Maker

So this is a silly thing from way back I've been working on for a while.
You can make up to four characters are at time. Select which one you're editing in the top left or which ones are visible. Move them around, pose them or make them fight. You can also save the character to a string of text and the load it back up. Just press the "?" for a small set of instructions.
So, I actually made the base for this about three years ago, but only now did I pick it back up and fix it into something I'd like to upload. Added tons of shit and made a ton of buttons so people can play around with it.
Back then I was trying to see if I could make some sort of flash game but ended up turning it into a character creator. I guess it's a sort of precursor to the flash things I make today.
The way it was created was pretty stiff, so I really couldn't do much if I didn't want to redo major things. The cartoon fights were already in, so I just kept them and made them sillier. But yeah, it's really poorly optimized and the few "animations" range from bare-bones to complete garbage, and I'm sure there's bound to be tons of stuff people would have liked to see, but I hope it's fun.
I don't think I'll be doing any updates to this, at least anytime soon, unless it's a bug. I want to go back to regular drawings for now.