Character Maker Test - V 0.5

I hope this works. This is to test if the file I save works on Deviant art, and if the script works too. Here goes nothing :)
Edit: Added a more recent example. The items on the right are from when I tried to make it draggable. They do not work.
Edit2: Added a more recent example. Now hair is editable.
Edit:3 This one has more selections of changeable features, but I'm keeping more diverse outfits until the Beta test.
Edit4: This one adds cloaks into the jackets section and gives you a look at the GUI for the game. It also provides insight into the next clothing updates. Also, a fur colour picker has been added, but the hair does not change colour along with it.
Edit 5: Hair and Accessories colour still not fixed, but there are now Ribbons, Bows and more shirts. Eye colour now changes as well. News button added, click on that to learn about new content.