Charms of Lavender Blue
School-Life VN. With a mild family curse.
Author Comments:
Nabi has always been a fairly practical sort of girl. So not even a pesky family curse was going to get in the way of a normal and successful school life. Even if it did get in the way of a little romance...
Hello, all!
I finally made another VN. This one is so overdue, I'M SORRY.
But I learned how to add multiple songs into these things, so there's that. :D
This was a collaboration between me and my cousin. Hope you enjoy our work! If this gets a good reception, we might try to make a sequel to explore more of the relationships in this game. <:
- Made some text change for the flashback scene.
- Made some changes in the music, so it shouldn't be turning on to new songs after you shut the sound off.
- Some minor text dialogue corrections.
- No kiss vs. Yes kiss. Because dang, I worded that really poorly, lol.
- Some minor grammar changes.
- Changed the fonts because I didn't realize the old ones didn't show up correctly for everyone...
There are four different endings.
(Sundae Ending: Pick choices that don't favor interest towards Pierce, and then don't get together with him at the end.)
As usual, music is by Kevin MacLeod.