Chowder: Give Trees a Chance


Notes to "Doraemon: Save the Earth" Reskin. Do not click on "Videos" button (on title screen), it will open web-browser with a spam website. Other buttons such as "" button (in down-center), "More" (on title screen), "More game" and "wallpaper" (on Win/Lose/Time's Up screens) also open web-browser (dead website if you click on More game and "", Cofee Shop if you click on wallpaper). In Vietnamese versions of the reskin, web-browser will open if you click on logos (Game 24h and GameVui), on "Lưu điểm" button, and facebook button (Win/Lose/Time's Up screens). Logo and Lưu điểm open web-browser with Vietnamese website (depends which version you played), the facebook button opens web-browser with facebook. Notes to "Oggy Around The Planet" Reskin. Web-Browser will open if you click on "More game","" button (located in down-center and in loading screen), "More" button and "wallpaper" button (dead website if you click on More, More game and "", Cofee Shop if you click on wallpaper). Web-browser will open 2 times (with different websites) if you click on "More Game". In version with Trò chơi việt watermark all buttons will open with Trò chơi việt website instead. Notes to Spanish version. In "¡Bien hecho!" menu (Win/Lose/Time's Up screens), "Si no estás registrado, pincha aqui" button will open Web-browser with Spanish Cartoon Network website.

Plant seeds and dodge critters to help Chowder give trees a chance.