[CLOSED] Mini Dress Up Game Auction :D

This is not a real dress up game. This is the artist's demo for a contest to win a custom dress up game.
The auction is not for the character above, this is just an example, the character will be your own. The style might be a little bit different as this is a super old doll (I think it's from 2009 XD)
What are you bidding for ?
The character of your choice (your OC, an anime character you love, ...), as a chibi, with a blink animation, and one or two set of clothes.
A set of clothes can be : shoes, socks, top, bottom, jacket, undies, hat, scarf, jewels (this is just an example)
If you win this auction, please provide me references where I can clearly see the outfit of your character. If you don't have picture references, a detailed description will be fine too.
This auction will start low, so everyone can get a chance to win :)
And I will finally get a proper example to show for the next time!
Small Bid : $1
Minimum increment : $1
Auto Buy : $50
Highest bidder : Quavera-Tava $25
This bid will end 48h after the last bid.
If you win and want additionnal clothes sets, it will be possible for $10/set (the first and 2nd are included in the bid)
Some rules :
1) Serious bidding only.
2) Paypal is preferred, you can still try to bid points, but if I get the choice between $ and it's equivalent in points, I will choose $ ^^
3) Place your bid by responding to the BID HERE comment below.
4) If you win the auction, I will note you with my paypal address and ask you for what you want.
4) The highest bidder after the deadline has 24 hours to make payment. Otherwise, this dress up game commission will go to the second highest bid.
5) I will start as soon as I get your payment and details.
6) It will take about 1 week to finish your game once I start working on it (+1-2 days for each additional clothes sets)