comic annoy 3


This is part of a series called "comic annoy", the other parts are in regular comic format instead of flash format an dare on the creator's deviantart page.

Actually, doing comics in flash just adding a couple of buttons is quite funny
Anyway, in the preview where say, click for comic I must admit I took the idea from Ktshy, it¡s quite funny
I hope one day I wouldn't be so lazy and actually do a quality animation... or at least a crappy funny one

Is me or my friends love me a lot?

Do you like this way of putting comics?

Note: "Day and Nigth" is the current comic she reads
I am in the notebook 5, so I mark the 6 as saying something like "Your work won't finish so early honey"

Publisher: DeviantArt
Developer: Mythical-Human
Language: en
Year: 2009