Crazy Running

EN: Crazy Running, which is a Parkour game, is coming on the stage! This game will bring more exciting and funny experience with using mainstream one-click operation. In the game, you can take a rocket to kill the enemy, and also can use the flames to burn the enemy, or you can use the feet to kick the enemy away. Crashing the obstacles, and along with the progress of game to improve the running speed unceasingly, and see how long you can keep it up! Collect a lot of precious stones along the way, which is crazy and exciting! This game will let you fondle admiringly with the lighter style, funny action, new 2D view and exciting game rhythm
ZH: 跑酷类游戏新作狂奔登场!疯狂跑酷带来更刺激更搞笑的疯狂体验!游戏采用主流的一键式操作。在游戏里,你可以坐火箭炸死敌人,可以用全身的火焰烧焦敌人,甚至你可以用脚将敌人踢飞。撞碎障碍物,并随着游戏进度不断提高狂奔速度,看看你能坚持多久!沿途收集的很多宝石可以收集,疯狂刺激!游戏风格轻松,动作搞笑,全新2D视角和紧张刺激的游戏节奏定会让你爱不释手!