Create a Na'vi Avatar

Please please please read the FAQ below before you ask any questions, I really don't have time to answer everyone. Comments have now been disabled sorry guys :/
edit; Guys, the braid IS there. It's on the hair page, at the bottom. Please please stop mentioning it, it is most certainly there. It's just shorter than it should be because this is a chibi version of a na'vi.
First off- Yes I SUCK at humanoid bodies and clothing. I never draw them.. ever.. but I love this movie so much I found myself compelled to make it. Also I wanted to make something original since there have been about 5 billion create a wolf games since I created my first one a few years ago xP
Yes the interface is very messy, and the clothing buttons are confusing. But I got lazy after spending hours colouring and shading all this stuff x_x But other than that I'm pleased I finally finished it.
Also yeah I'm biased towards females, I drew the base and I was too lazy to change it too much. But I think it's at a nice medium that if you leave off the little shirts then and put on some straps, the right eyes, and whatever then it will look male. I've done it, it works, don't stress boys xP
Can I post a screenshot in my dA gallery/facebook/etc..?
Yes as long as credit is given in a description somewhere. So a link back to my account or this deviation. Or saying "This was made by khalypso's Create a Na'vi game" Something along those lines, as long as credit is given all is good :) And yes you may use this as your I.D on this website, just give credit.
Where is the long braid?
It is there, just not majorly obvious (cos I'm a very lazy person). It's on the hair page at the bottom. It's short, I don't care, my excuse is this thing is chibi, let's just leave it at that haha
Can you add different expressions/clothing/colours/etc..? and can you make another game?
I will not be updating this game anymore. I'll make a new flash creator game some time in the future when I'm not busy - (27 - August - 2010)
How do I save?
Instructions for Mac and PC users are in the flash game itself.
For PC laptop users: [fn]+insert[prt sc]
Na'vi (c) James Cameron