Customisable Gilou - Dollmaker


( I content-warned for Zef, I'll content-warn for Gilou. )

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I sometimes think of Harbourmaster as clothing porn because damned if I don't like designing wardrobes for characters. Except it isn't, really. Clothing porn is about fancy, complicated, sumptuous clothes covered in detail, and I'm mostly designing day-to-day wear. Then I start thinking it's, like, vanilla clothing porn and the metaphor just gets weird.

Customisable Gilou: Because the Closet version had annoying scroll buttons ( all I could program at the time ) and not nearly enough options. So this can be 'make an outfit for Gilou' or 'design an Aquaan OC who happens to share Gilou's style'. And for variety, it's rigged so you can make all the hairstyles of the current canon Aquaans up to and including Thalassa Lamassu who appeared for one panel in a flashback and wasn't named on-screen.

There's Veran options because of course we're going to Veras some day.

About 80% of the way through, I realised that I hadn't compensated for the height of Gilou's Dreadmoon hat, so I had to make the game 700x725 instead of 700x700. Obviously I should have done the hats first. :P

Next up: I don't want to do another clothing game right after this big one, so am trying my tarsi at a critter maker.

Publisher: DeviantArt
Developer: WaywardInsecticon
Language: en
Year: 2013