D-portal V2.0


this is based on the first digimon v-pet with all 14 mons and 2 extra plus egg

1- Egg
1 - In-training
1 - In-training
3 - Rookie
7 - Champion
3 - Ultimate
1 - mega
how to play
it is simple enaf - if your mon is tied then it needs to sleep
if Hungary then give it meat to eat.. ect.

if you wont it to evolve then wate for the last option lev9 click on the one in the bottom right corner then it will evolve

sickens will happen if the stats go down to zero or ther is to much poo
to heal sickness use the pill option lv7

ok so get playing
leve a comment on what mon you got its random so leat other people know what can get

link to V1
and if you know flash and have v8 or higher then the Fla file is here- you can make your one vershon

hungry for more?
i've uploaded an editable file and here check out what other people have made
Gatomon by 123Omega https://123omega.deviantart.com/art/Gatomon-V-pet-333317048

if you want to be on the list send me a message

Publisher: DeviantArt
Developer: ARM0UR0S
Language: en
Year: 2010