Damiun COLOR


:iconvest: & :iconjustart27:

Original Lines: [link]
By ~JustArt27

High Resolution Version: [link]

Helping finish up some more character concepts for ~JustArt27 on the GOA project, for which he's still seeking a publisher. In the meantime, he's expanding his character and concept bible for it.

Took a little art break for the last few days. Moved into a new room, wrapped up a project at work, watched half of my co-workers and friends get laid off last week alone, yeah, it was a good time to sit down and turn off the outside world for a bit, and just draw today.

I love these lazy do-nothing Saturdays.

Photoshop CS2
Wacom Tablet
Flash 8

Comments appreciated. Criticism honored.

Publisher: DeviantArt
Language: en
Year: 2009