
After a high-tech experiment on Mars goes awry, all Hell literally breaks loose........ and you're out of ammo. DamN. Guess you'll have to use your brains to solve 20(?) different robo-demon-infested puzzles and defeat the all-powerful boss!
I'm starting a bit late, and I'll have hardly any spare time next week, but what the hell. At worst, it'll be a fun trainwreck. :D
Basically it's going to be a top-down puzzle adventure whose sprites look suspiciously like those of DooM (not DooM3), and whose gameplay feels suspiciously like the old DOS game Paganitzu. Once the guts are made (in Flash), level design will be open to anyone who's interested. Gentleman
Aug 16: The basics are working!
Aug 17: Teleporters and Goblins and T-shirts oh my! (damnlevmap3.swf)
Sept 1: Blagh! I had no more time to work on this. Just threw some "frills" onto it and made 2 levels... Enjoy!
Sept 7: Okay there's a few more levels now. :)