Dance Dance Wizard Demo


Danec to cast spells! Need feedback!

Author Comments:

Hi guys.
I know, you are not really into demos and unfinished products, but I need your help.
I have worked on this game for a few days and have come to a point where I have to choose between two options:
remake the game from scratch, using my expierence and your feedback
continue with this version, add stuff to it and polish it.
I have spend too much time with this thing, I cant see clearly anymore.
Are there general things you dont not like about this version?
What should I add/substract, what should I redo and what do you think could stop my game from reaching its awesome potential (I mean, dancing magic, cmon!)?
I really need your help and when I publish a complete Version, ill ofc include your username in the credits :)

Publisher: Newgrounds
Developer: StuffedWombat
Language: en
Year: 2015