Dark Cut
(Newgrounds) Perform medieval surgery from the comfort of your own home Author Comments: -=Controls=- Space Bar, Arrow Keys, and mouse (as prompted) Step back in time and perform some primitive surgery. Heal the Bubonic Plague, remove an arrow from a solider, and save the town from its nightmare. This game border lines Trauma Center (obviously it has to, since its a surgery game as well), but has its own twists. Enjoy! -Having issues with controls? Read on... -In order to make a cut, start from one side of the line of stars, click the first star, and drag thru each point. Don't let go of the mouse! -To hit with the hammer, click the mouse button when the white bar reaches the top. You have to time it right in order for a hit to work. -You will lose life even during some procedures, so don't worry... sometimes doing the right thing will cause pain. -To aim the stake, press the Space Bar at the right time (straight up). (Armor Games: https://armorgames.com/play/40/dark-cut) Cut people open using surgical tools of the Middle Ages! Heal them, following close instructions and using practical medical sense. Enjoy! Controls Follow the onscreen instructions for more info!