Dazzler _COLOR


https://scotimus75.deviantart.com/ & https://windriderx23.deviantart.com/ & https://vest.deviantart.com/

Commissioned by *https://scotimus75.deviantart.com/


Original Lines - https://windriderx23.deviantart.com/art/Dazzler-Commission-141533758
By *https://windriderx23.deviantart.com/

Color by `https://vest.deviantart.com/

Finished colors of Dazzler. Continuing to crank these out. Going to aim for about 1 a night now, and 2 a day on the weekends, so these should be wrapped within a week.

You guys might notice that I've modified the overlay effect in Flash, so now it is toggled by buttons instead of a mouse-over (which prevents accidental triggers, and circumvents a bug where it would transition to BW and not switch back).

Adobe Photoshop CS2
Wacom Tablet
Macromedia Flash 8

Comments appreciated. Criticism honored.