Delaware Yuletides


Greetings to the people of the grounds which have been newly broken. I, Jim Schaffer, wish you a Merry Christmas and overall Happy Holidays. As my kindness grows during the holiday season, I have been strictly devoted to making a game which reflects my deepest feelings toward the spirit of happiness. Therefore, I leave you, the people, with a gift only someone with a heart of stone couldn't love. The gift of a Delaware game. In today's special game, Delaware finds himself in a struggle when he must sought after what Christmas is really about. This question has been answered many times in many different ways. Is it about the love? The goodness of well-being? The presents? Only time will tell us what we have always been after. For what its worth, this is definitely a Delaware adventure you wont forget. Especially when you find out that this is the first game where you are to play as the beloved Hoopie. It is something we don't always count on.

As Hoopie, you must wait for Christmas day to come. The day that Delaware returns from his ice slumber. This is no typical effortless task. It takes determination, strength, and most of all, courage. Life isn't so easy in Greenland, at least that's what Hoopie thought. However with the strength to overcome all odds, you can wish Delaware a safe and happy Merry Christmas. So grab your favorite fat cat and cup of lemonberry cider, hook up your speakers, and sit down to enjoy an experience you will never forget.

-- Controls --
(Left Arrow) - Walk left
(Right Arrow) - Walk right
(Up Arrow) - Jump
(P) - Pause
(Enter) - Start

-- Hints --
- Make sure you don't spill your hot chocolate
- Invest in a clock
- Be sure to jump as much as possible, it makes the time fly by
- I'm not even going to mention the mushrooms
- Don't stare at the screen too long, your eyes will water

-- Credits --
Special thanks to the sound engineers and music producers for making this game have a toasty, Christmas feel.

-- Work time --
1 week

Series: Delaware
Publisher: Newgrounds
Language: en
Year: 2009