Demon Hunt: Chapter 3

UPDATE 28/12/12
Replaced the old graphics with the new character sprites and backgrounds. Character sprites now have expressions and better text boxes.
Join the Demon Hunt Script Contest and MAKE YOUR OWN short visual novel with the characters~ More info here:…
The third chapter of Demon Hunt, my visual novel. There's some updated character sprites, new backgrounds and a new piano theme.
Once again, the demons are back. And this time they've got more angst than ever.
Chapter 3 Includes:
- Character Paths 2/2
- Character Themes
- Character Voices
- Character Profiles
- Credits
Featuring the VOICE talents of:
KisakaToriama as Cisaya
GetEquippedPsyko as Dreymeil
Mattsurai as Eclipse
DavidofAwesome as Chisoku
and ArxEinsam as Void
Sound Track by:
Comment, favourite, feature and/or share with your friends if you like it. Me and the rest of the voice actors would really appreciate it.