Derpy Buddy

Original DeviantArt source: Derpy Buddy 2.Discord Notes: Intentionally unplayable joke version of the game. Release date: 2012-09-23 source: Original description: Heeeeres Discord!
Discord has messed stuff up: June 15 2012 I added some stuff, just 'cause... Muffins are great! Derpy thinks so too! So I got a bunch of muffins for you guys! Have fun! ----------------------------------- I added an Options menu! Particles can be enabled or disabled. Blood is also an option. A closed roof disallows Derpy to leave the window at all, by closing off the top. Saved data can be removed. An outfit can be equipped, provided the Mustache item is purchased and has been used. ----------------------------------- The Shop and Inventory has been upgraded to full status as a window! The items can be sorted in either alphabetical order, category, or by price. There are 30 items total now. Some items of note: Reskin - Derpy, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and K9. Yes, I drew K9 myself. *bow* Mustache - Draw Derpy a hat! Or a dress! Or a handlebar mustache! Draw on Derpy, using the slider to control line width, and the color picker to change the color! Also, feel free to take a screen clip and post a picture in the comments! Games - I made 3, yes, that's right, 3 mini games, and more are in the works! They're very simple right now, but that's only because they're the first ones. The ASHPD - Press the Q and E buttons (At different times! This is important!) to fire a portal! Press R to remove the portals. The Nightstone - Don't move your mouse once you loose one! To be used in conjunction with the Lantern. ----------------------------------- MLP:FiM belongs to Hasbro and :iconfyre-flye: Derpy belongs to the Bronies. K9 belongs to the BBC. Sprites for Derpy, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy from Desktop Ponies. Interactive Buddy original concept by :iconshock-value: ----------------------------------- All of the characters on the loading page are in the game somewhere. See if you can find them all! Thanks to the people who helped out with Doctor Resetti! You guys wrote some great stuff!