

Experience, what true love is...

Author Comments:

2014 edit:
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away....
Hello there.
Firstly: I'd like to thank everybody who struggled to play this little piece of ... art?
This game was created 3 years ago, when I was 15. Back then, I really thought it's something. But looking at it now..
I can't comprehend, what it's praised for, to tell the truth. The gameplay is simple, the controls terrible, the characters stiff. Not to mention the storyline, which I made up (once again, remember I was 15.) Despite these drawbacks, it met with interest I had never dreamt of.
And I'm quite proud of it.
What's more, when I read the comments, it seems that some people liked it!
Some not of course, and I understand that.
But even them took the effort to leave me some words and I really appreciate it.
Thank you.
Secondly: I know it has some bugs, which I didn't notice before uploading. Honestly, right after finishing it I didn't feel like going back.
Deep apologies for my laziness.
I think it's all I've got to say.
Once more: big thanks!
My first finished game.
Hope you like it!
CC please!

Publisher: Newgrounds
Developer: HappyBlack
Language: en
Year: 2011